All known organisms share a number of
fundamental features that, taken together, point to a common
evolutionary history: DNA as the chief molecule of genetic inheritance,
proteins as the primary functional molecules, and RNA as an
informational intermediate between the two. The simplest explanation for
why organisms share these common features is that they are inherited
from a last universal common ancestor (LUCA), which sits at the root of
the tree of life. Most studies of gene duplications that occurred prior
to the first branch on the tree place LUCA in between the Bacteria and
the common ancestor of the Archaea and Eukarya, the three taxonomic
domains of cellular life.
The availability of the genome sequences from so many species across
the tree of life has made it possible to look for common genomic traits
that were most likely inherited from LUCA.
Some studies have estimated
there to be fewer than 100 LUCA-derived gene families, while others
count more than 1,000, depending on how conservatively the methods rule
out genes on suspicion of horizontal gene transfer or how liberally they
include genes that appear to have been present in LUCA, but
subsequently lost. Despite the conflicting results, the new data are
yielding insight into ancient life on Earth.
The majority of ancient gene families identified in almost all of these
studies are involved in the
translation of genetic information into
proteins. These ancient gene families represent a range of translation
functions, from regulation to ribosomal components. The genetic code at
the core of translation is also highly conserved across life. In all
likelihood, the enzymes responsible for establishing the genetic code by
attaching amino acids to particular tRNAs evolved prior to the time of
LUCA, although their evolutionary histories are obscured by subsequent
horizontal gene transfers between bacteria and archaea. These results
depict a translation system in LUCA that was probably similar to and as
sophisticated as those of organisms alive today.
In contrast,
few genes involved in the synthesis of DNA are conserved
across the tree of life. The enzymes responsible for making
deoxyribonucleotides from ribonucleotides exist in three distinct
families that only show a weak signature of common descent in their
active sites.
The only DNA polymerase enzymes that are common across the
evolutionary tree are those involved in repair, not the polymerases
presently responsible for copying complete chromosomes. RNA polymerases
from bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, on the other hand, do appear to
have been inherited from LUCA, and may have previously functioned as DNA
polymerases as well. Taken together, these observations s
uggest that
DNA genomes replaced a genome composed of RNA just prior to or perhaps
just after the time of LUCA.
The variety of metabolic strategies observed in modern organisms
demonstrates that
metabolism is generally less highly conserved, which
makes it harder to identify those metabolic pathways that were present
in LUCA. Still, various databases organize enzymatic data into metabolic
maps, which can be used to uncover highly conserved components of
modern metabolic pathways. For example, a recent study combined these
data with evolutionary trees of carbon-fixation genes and found that the
ancestral carbon-fixation pathway was most likely an amalgam of
components currently found in two separate pathways in extant archaea
and bacteria: the reductive acetyl-CoA pathway and the reductive citric
acid cycle (
PLOS Comput Biol, 8:e1002455, 2012).
Another taxonomically broad comparison study, focused on amino acid
metabolism, uncovered conserved biosynthetic pathways for 8 of the 20
canonical amino acids, and conserved enzymes from pathways for another
eight (
Genome Biology, 9:R95, 2008).
Finally, LUCA most likely had a phospholipid membrane that set the
boundaries between organisms and offered protection from the external
The universal presence of genes responsible for targeting
proteins to membranes suggests that LUCA’s membrane was replete with
proteins. Furthermore, the ubiquity of both catalytic subunits of the
membrane-bound ATPase motor also implies that this membrane was
impermeable enough to ions that it could be used to generate the proton
gradients used by the motor to convert ADP to ATP.
While this detailed understanding of LUCA is relatively recent, Darwin
proposed the idea of an early common ancestor to all life in the first
edition of
Origin of Species, where he wrote, “Therefore I
should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which
have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial
form, into which life was first breathed.” Although Darwin’s insight is
brilliant for its time,
the modern view shows that LUCA is not this
“primordial form,” but rather a sophisticated cellular organism that, if
alive today, would probably be difficult to distinguish from other
extant bacteria or archaea. This means that a great detail of evolution
must have taken place between the time of the origin of life and the
appearance of LUCA. Continuing advances in evolutionary biology,
bioinformatics, and computational biology will give us the tools to
describe LUCA and the evolutionary transitions preceding it with
unprecedented accuracy and detail.
Aaron David Goldman
is an assistant professor of biology at Oberlin College. His research
employs bioinformatics and systems biology tools to study the genome and
metabolism of LUCA and their connections to evolutionary predecessors.
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