The NIH established the Recombinant DNA Advisory
Committee (RAC) on October 7, 1974 in response to public concerns
regarding the safety of manipulating genetic material through the use of
recombinant DNA techniques. Although the RAC's membership and
responsibilities have evolved over time with scientific understanding
and developments in this technology, it continues to serve the NIH, as
well as the scientific and lay publics, as a critically important forum
for open, public deliberation on the panoply of scientific, ethical, and
legal issues raised by recombinant DNA technology and its basic and
clinical research applications. Over the course of the Committee's
existence, transparency and access have been its defining
characteristics, enabling public acceptance of a critically important
technology and creating an environment in which science can advance in
an informed, safe, and ethical manner.
Access to the latest NIH guidelines/regulations
martes, 26 de febrero de 2013
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- ► septiembre (8)
- Genomas de eucariotas, procariotas y virus (Enero ...
- Una visión del citoesqueleto bacteriano
- Conferencia de Asilomar (1975)
- Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee
- La toxina y su antídoto en Streptomyces
- Construcción de una de las primeras genotecas en p...
- Web International Union of Biochemistry & Molecula...
- Papel del ciclo del glioxalato en patogénesis
- ► septiembre (2)
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